Lip of the Great Gorge

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Wounded Earth [OPEN]
Lindiwe 8 280 by Ayzize
Aug 3, 2009 20:05:01 GMT -5


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Lip of the Great Gorge
A rift in the earth, a great chasm runs wide for miles east and west and its walls sheer off in a dizzying drop to the dark floor hundreds of feet below. Across the gorge, to the north, lies a desolate and unfriendly wasteland of red clay and orange sand. The southern edge is dotted with thick, low lying plants while the sun skips over the gorge itself and plunges it into perpetual darkness. Adventurous, nimble, or perhaps foolhardy creatures can pick their way to the depths of the gorge, though whatever greets them in the darkness is likely to be an inhospitable host.
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